The PJBT held it’s 1st Ever Junior Gold ONly Qualifier Tournament at Leisure Lanes on September 28th. 26 bowlers came out for our 1st Event.Congrats to Jack Celmer & David Moffitt winning their spots in u20boys….while Alexis Neuer won the qualifier for U20Girls. In addition, Ryan Graham won our u15overall division qualifier and Darren Zombro III won the u12overall qualifier.These 5 bowlers will be the first of many to qualify and represent PJBT at Junior Gold in 2015 in Chicago.
PJBT 24-25 Bio Sheet (Filled out for 1st Event Only)
Required to be completed by EVERY New Bowler
2024-2025 PJBT Bowling Schedule
Entry Fee: Members $42 — Non-Members $47 — Walk-In Entries $50 // Year Long 1-Time Membership $35
2024-2025 PJBT Tournament Rules
Enclosed our PJBT Tournament Rules for 2024-2025
2024 JUNIOR GOLD Kegel Patterns for 2024-2025 MAJORS
Each pattern will be used once and only once during the year.