5 More Elite Junior Bowlers Qualify for Junior Gold in Indy 2016

Published on: December 26, 2015 | Categories: Headliners, Winners Gallery

The PJBT Bowling Series organization conducted its 3rd Junior Gold Only Qualifier Tournament on Sunday, December 30, 2015.  30 bowlers attended Town & Country Lanes to compete in their respective divisions for a chance to win a spot into 2016 Junior Gold National Championships in July 2016 in Indianapolis.

On this day, we qualified 5 bowlers.  We qualified 1 bowler in each the Under 20 Boys & Girls Division.  We also did the same for the Under 15 Boys & Girls.  Finally, our top Under 12 Bowler overall qualified for Junior Gold.  Format for the event is each bowler rolls 4 games on a challenging pattern.  This event’s pattern was Tokyo.  The results are final after 4 games.

In U20 Boys, Hayden Capper won his spot shooting a 4 Game Scratch Total of 764.  He held off Brandon Updike by 7 Pins to Win the Spot.  In U20 Girls, Rachel Hirst took the qualifying spot with a 4 Game Scratch total of 768.  She won by over 40 pins in her division.

In U15 Boys, Maverick Ebert captured his JG Spot by 30 pins over 2nd place.  He shot 767 for 4 games….which was 30 pins ahead of 2nd place Harris Mirza.  In U15 Girls, Jocelyn Hood won the spot and obtained her 1st trip to JG.  She shot the high 4 Game Block of ANY bowler for the day, when she shot 784 for 4 games.  She also had the high game of the day of 245 in Game 4 of Qualifying.

In U12 Overall, Logan Chappell won the spot shooting a 4 Game Scratch Total of 625.  He won the spot by just 14 pins over 2nd place bowler Tom Burns Jr.

These 5 will join our 14 bowlers already qualified….bringing our qualified bowler list to 19 bowlers as we reach the new year 2016.  We will be holding monthly qualifiers thru the rest of the season….so if you haven’t qualified yet….come on out!

