6 More JOG Bowlers Qualify for Junior Gold 2016

Published on: November 1, 2015 | Categories: Headliners, Winners Gallery

The PJBT conducted its 2nd Junior Gold Only Qualifier Tournament on Sunday, October 25 at Suburban Bowlerama in York PA.

On this day, we saw 37 bowlers come out for the qualifier.

Based on entries, we qualified 6 bowlers…..2 in U20Boys, 1 in U20Girls, 1 in U15Boys, 1 in U15Girls, and 1 in U12

Our Winning Bowlers was the following bowlers.  Their 4 game Scratch Total is behind their Name.

Dylan Zimmerman (766),  Ryan Goddard (709), Kelli Frain (682), Ryan Taylor (773), Emily Breidegam (640), and Cole Oberst (566).

Congrats to all our bowlers joining our group in Indianapolis for 2016 Junior Gold!
