We also crowned our first womens only champions Madilyn Bogovic & Lyla Elensky 

Markowitz/Quattrini qualified 2nd for the finals and won two baker matches to win. They win their first match 254-202 and then the title match 222-180 to capture victory.
Domination was the word of the day for the Randisi’s. Nolan had a high scratch game of 269 while Alyssa had 221 during last game of qualifying. They won their close title match 178-175 to win.
In all, we gave out over $1500 in prizes. Thanks to all who came out to bowl.
The Full Results of Event are posted online at www.tournamentbowl.com PJBT Event #4 21&Under Doubles #1 (tournamentbowl.com)
PJBT 24-25 Bio Sheet (Filled out for 1st Event Only)
Required to be completed by EVERY New Bowler
2024-2025 PJBT Bowling Schedule
Entry Fee: Members $42 — Non-Members $47 — Walk-In Entries $50 // Year Long 1-Time Membership $35
2024-2025 PJBT Tournament Rules
Enclosed our PJBT Tournament Rules for 2024-2025
2024 JUNIOR GOLD Kegel Patterns for 2024-2025 MAJORS
Each pattern will be used once and only once during the year.