The 15th PJBT season officially ended with the Inivtational Championship. 114 of the season’s best bowlers competed for over $3,600 in scholarships. Each division was pared down to 24, then 10, 6, 4, and the finals. Both finals came down to the 10th frame. In scratch, Brandon Runk and Jack Celmer went back and forth all game. Runk filled 29 in the 10th to force Celmer to strike out in the 10th. Celmer only got 9 on the first ball. Runk’s 7th title earned a $600 scholarship, his name on the yearly banner. His two consecutive Sunday victories were worth a combined $2,100 in scholarships. Two years after being knocked out of the Invitational, Ronald Cline was taking a few lessons from Parker Bohn III. A lot of hard work between then and now netted big dividends for Cline. He won his 3rd title, with a strike on the first ball of the 10th. He defeated Emily Tull to win the $600 top scholarship prize. Michael Martell earned his entry to Junior Gold 2015 in Chicago.
PJBT 24-25 Bio Sheet (Filled out for 1st Event Only)
Required to be completed by EVERY New Bowler
2024-2025 PJBT Bowling Schedule
Entry Fee: Members $42 — Non-Members $47 — Walk-In Entries $50 // Year Long 1-Time Membership $35
2024-2025 PJBT Tournament Rules
Enclosed our PJBT Tournament Rules for 2024-2025
2024 JUNIOR GOLD Kegel Patterns for 2024-2025 MAJORS
Each pattern will be used once and only once during the year.